that deer is ours!

The Best Dog Breeds to Run With

Having a dog for a running partner offers you companionship and a bit of protection and it's good for your pup. The best dog breed to run with depends on the type of running you do. Some dogs, such as German shorthaired pointers, are…

How to Decline a Business Invitation

You've received an invitation to a company function or event and you won't be able to attend. You must o decline, but you are unsure about the proper etiquette in executing this task. Keep this general rule in mind: The formality of the…

The Best Dog Breeds for Walking

Walking the dog is viewed as a fundamental component of dog ownership, making it easy to overlook the fact that not all dogs serve as the best walking companions. Large, active breeds often need to run to relieve their energy; small,…

Kayaking in Rappahannock, Virginia

Kayaking the Rappahannock River in autumn is an awe-inspiring way to view colorful foliage from the vantage point of the river. Canopies of gold, red and rust soar overhead, reflecting on the water all around you as lazy leaves drift…

The Best Dog Breeds for Families

When choosing a family dog, the first thing you should consider is whether or not the breed of dog is good with children. Several dog breeds are considered to be good with children. Once you know which dog breeds are good with children,…

Lab Puppy Growth

The family-friendly Labrador retriever is great with children and loves to play. Labs are a fast-growing breed and need proper nutrition to support their growth. The American Kennel Club standards indicate an…

Development of a Labrador Puppy

Labrador retrievers need plenty of exercise and are a great breed for an active family. The development of a Labrador retriever puppy spans until the dog reaches the maturing stage at 1 year. Many new Labrador retriever owners who bring…