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How to Cope With Negative Feelings During Pregnancy

With the societal assumption that pregnancy is a joyous time, and the tendency to describe pregnant women as “glowing,” you might feel like an alien if you’re having negative emotions. However, the Global Library of Women’s Medicine reports that fear and anxiety are normal feelings during pregnancy, as your hormones wreak havoc on your emotional state. If your pregnancy is unplanned or you’ve suffered miscarriages or infertility in the past, the nine months of carrying your baby can seem like an eternity.


6 Steps to Cope With Negative Feelings During Pregnancy

Negative Feelings During Pregnancy


1. Find a support group for expectant mothers, or create one of your own.

Even if you just have a few pregnant friends and new moms over to your house once a week, you’ll have other people around you who can understand your emotions.


2. Eat right, exercise and get enough sleep.

Basic self-care can seem overwhelming when dealing with antenatal depression and anxiety, so enlist the help of your partner, a family member or a friend. Ask someone you love to go for regular walks with you or bring you healthy food, if necessary. Practice good sleep hygiene as well as going to bed and getting up at the same time each day. Nap if you need to.


3. Talk yourself out of superstition by looking at the odds.

For example, if you’ve miscarried in the past or if you’re over 35, you might fear that you’ll lose this baby or that it will have birth defects. To ease your mind, visit your obstetrician for regular prenatal care and testing. Ask her about the risks inherent in your pregnancy and trust her to be honest with you.


4. Consider your options.

If your negative emotions are due to the fact that your pregnancy was unplanned — especially if you’re a teenager or young woman — remember that adoption and termination are available to you. Nobody can force you to parent against your will.


5. Make solid plans to care for the baby.

Enlist the help of friends and family to get you through the first few months. If financial concerns are causing you stress, start putting away as much money as you can and looking for free or used furniture and baby clothing. Planning helps you feel like you have control, which can alleviate negative feelings.


6. Make an appointment with a therapist if you feel overwhelmed, in danger of hurting yourself or tempted to use drugs or alcohol.

If you don’t know where to begin looking for a therapist, ask your obstetrician for a referral to someone who has experience dealing with pregnancy and birth issues.


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