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How to Do Wind Sprints

Daily exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and wind sprints can play an important part of that exercise program. They can add a challenge to a regular mundane exercise program.

Keep in mind that the reason they are called wind sprints is because the purpose is to be momentarily winded. Do them with caution when looking for a way to get maximum benefits from your aerobic program.


5 Steps to Do Wind Sprints

How to Do Wind Sprints


1. Begin only after a good warm up to usual aerobic workout.


2. Be sure that your physical health is in excellent condition before adding wind sprints to any exercise program.


3. Add quick bursts of intensity to the aerobic workout by increasing the intensity and speed of the exercise.

Intensity means working harder than you were during a normal workout.


4. After 20 to 40 seconds faster breathing should occur when done correctly.

Return to your regular workout routine at this point.


5. Add wind sprints to your exercise program up to 10 times.

An example would be to run quickly for 30 seconds while jogging to make you puff faster.


Tips and Warnings

  • Consult a physician before beginning any work out and before adding wind sprints to your routine.
  • Wind sprints can be dangerous if not done properly and in the proper time.
  • Do not go as fast as you can when adding wind sprints; just go faster than you would during normal exercise.

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