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How to Start a Path of Changing Your Life

If you wake up every morning feeling dissatisfied and disillusioned about your life, it may be a strong indication that something needs to change. Whether that something is a big or small thing is of no importance.

What matters is that you garner the strength to take action and gain control over your life. Get on the path to a new you by opening yourself up to new challenges and situations.


6 Steps to Start a Path of Changing Your Life

Path of Changing Your Life

1. Put your Ego to the Side

When you analyze changing your life, there is no room for ego or pride. Worrying about what your friends and family will think or if you will be making less money if you change your job will only slow you down and prevent you from taking a leap.

Open your mind up to anything that life may offer you. Listen to your heart and what it is asking you to do. Shut out any fears that are just keeping you in the same old cycle of unhappiness.


2. Find your Passion

Nothing can last in life without authentic passion. Identify exactly what makes you passionate in life and how to go after it. If you want to change your job, take classes at a local college in a new field that fascinates you.

Talk and network with people that are employed in the field to gain insight and knowledge. If you love dancing, begin taking dancing classes. Stop making excuses and make tangible steps on your quest to doing something you love and making a positive change in your life.


3. Think Like an Optimist

Instead of obsessing over what bad things could possibly happen, spend your time concentrating on the desired positive outcomes. The less you ponder the bad, the more time you have to think about how to achieve your accomplishments and how to draw attention to your strongest points.


4. Make a Pact of Commitment with Yourself

Tell yourself that there is one person out there you do not want to disappoint for any reason – and that person is you, not anyone else. Promise yourself that you will put in the work necessary to change your life despite what problems and setbacks you may encounter along the way. Obstacles are by no means a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to going after your dreams and changing your life.


5. Concentrate on Small Changes

You may risk overwhelming yourself (and burning out quickly) if you try to go after a huge goal all at once. For example, if you want to change your life by becoming more physically fit, instead of trying to run a marathon in two weeks, start out small.

Make your first goal to run three miles without stopping around the park, for instance. Then follow that goal with bigger ones, such as completing a half-marathon.


6. Stop Thinking About Failure

If you do not take any risks, you shut yourself out from the possibility of reaping any rewards, too. Acknowledge that in life, failure is always a possibility. Once you accept that fact, you can freely enter the world of trying new things and allowing yourself to truly live your life.


Tips and Warnings

  • Eliminate negative influences from your life. Being around negative people can put a major damper on your spirit. If you want to make an honest effort to change your existence, focus on being around positive people who can encourage you and lift you up, instead.
  • Embrace not being 100 percent comfortable. It is only natural to feel strange when you do something new. Realize that is 100 percent normal, and try to take pleasure in the newness of it all.


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