that deer is ours!

How to Tour Haunted Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium is reputed to be one of the most haunted buildings in the United States. Located in Louisville Kentucky, the Waverly Sanatorium is available for historical or paranormal tours.

You can’t just pop in and say hello though, as the site is private property and gated, so call ahead and book your tour of this former TB hospital.


7 Ways to Tour Haunted Waverly Hills Sanitarium

Haunted Waverly Hills Sanitarium in Louisville Kentucky


1. Prepare yourself for the paranormal tour by watching the “Ghost Hunters” or “Scariest Places on Earth” television shows which have featured the former hospital.

Deemed “haunted” by the TAPS crew, you’ll get excited for your tour.


2. Log onto the official Waverly website to get a list of times and days available for your tour.

The 2-hour paranormal tour is $20 cash per person and you can book your tour by phone for a Friday or Saturday evening. Call (502) 933-2142 to book your tour.


3. Orbs in the rooftop area. Commit to a 4-hour or overnight stay at the Waverly so that you can really do some ghost hunting.

If you are a real ghost hunter or a very enthusiastic paranormal investigator you will enjoy the 2-hour tour, but it will leave you wanting more.


4. Take lots of pictures.

Orbs and apparitions may appear in your shots and even if you can’t find a ghost, the building itself as well as the graffiti left on the walls is definitely camera-worthy.


5. Be sure to go into room 502 (the tour guide will alert you) to see.

If you sense any echo of the nurse who hung herself (or did she?) in this room.


6. Get to know your tour guides and they will share some extra stories and personal experiences with you.


7. Bring some extra cash for t-shirts and souvenirs.

The Waverly offers very well-priced items for sale and you can find something for every ghost or ghoulie in your circle of friends.


Tips and Warnings

  • Bring extra camera batteries as mine drained fairly quickly.
  • Read through the Waverly website for information on what is allowed on the tour and what is not so that you are well prepared.
  • Go on the Sunday historical tour to get some good daytime shots of the building and book an overnight stay to maximize your chance of seeing spirits.
  • Don’t take the tour if your have problems walking or are unsteady on your feet. Although the areas are well-kept you may have trouble on some narrow areas.


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