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How to Detach With Love

Al-anon, a non-profit support group for those who are affected by love ones who suffer substance addiction, advocates the act of detachment with love as a coping mechanism. Detachment with love refers to the act of pulling away from the…

Subtle Ways to Show Affection

A little subtle affection can go a long way. Affection is useful whether you’re trying to show someone you like them or whether you’re in a 20-year relationship. When it comes to ideas, the possibilities are nearly endless. However,…

How to Give Your Wife a Ring

While there isn't a woman alive who doesn't enjoy receiving a gift, it is important to remember that presentation is just as important as the actual present. If you want to gift your wife a ring, remember that your desire to surprise her is…

How to Flirt With My Wife

It doesn't matter if you and your wife have been married for 10 months or 10 years; to keep the fire going and make her feel like a beautiful gem, you're going to have to try something new to add spice in your relationship. If you want…

Romantic Ways to Say Good Morning

The morning may be a time where you are usually rushing just to grab a bite to eat before you run out the door. However, it does not always have to be a chaotic time; consider changing up your morning routine to start off your day with some…