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preparing for a baby

Tips for How to Become Pregnant

It is a misconception that becoming pregnant is an easy thing to do. In fact, the number of women ages 15 to 44 who had fertility issues was 7.3 million. While most women and couple get pregnant without any trouble, there are some things…

Baby Girl Names That Mean Princess

Nothing is more precious than a beautiful baby girl. Frilly dresses, ribbons, bows and tea parties await your dainty darling, and even if she grows to love toy trucks and climbing trees in the backyard, she will still be your little…

How to Design a Nursery Online

As you anxiously await the arrival of your new little bundle of joy, your mind is filled with visions of how you'll decorate your nursery. Bring your ideas to life with one of the many nursery design tools available online. This gives…

How to Announce a Second Pregnancy

For most women, announcing a first pregnancy is accompanied by a flurry of instant excitement, joy and wonder that envelops everyone from your mother-in-law to your hairdresser to the cashier at the grocery store. Regardless of whether…