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What Are the Causes of Spot Bleeding During a Pregnancy?

Spot draining doesn’t really flag an issue during pregnancy. In fact, a small amount of bleeding early in the first trimester could actually signify that pregnancy has started. However, any bleeding should be reported to a doctor for consultation and evaluation. Inform the doctor of the consistency and characteristics of the blood, and any symptoms that correspond with it, such as vomiting, extreme nausea, cramps or pain, fever or weakness.


Spot Bleeding During a Pregnancy



Spotting means that a little blood has passed through the vagina. The blood can be light brown, bright red or tinged with pink mucus. A woman with a little spotting may not realize it has occurred until she notices it on toilet paper after urinating.



When the fertilized egg has implanted itself to the uterine wall, a light amount of blood might occur. This happens usually between two and five days after conception, and the bleeding should last only a day or two. Women may not even be aware that fertilization has taken place at this point, and could assume that the spotting is part of her menstrual cycle.


Hormonal Changes

Especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, women might experience light bleeding at the time that normal menstruation would occur. In some instances, light bleeding can turn into what a woman would see during a normal period. This type of bleeding, however, is not not part of a menstrual cycle but what is referred to as decidual bleeding. Sometimes during pregnancy, a woman’s hormones can get off track and cause some loss of uterine lining.

This is more common during early pregnancy before the lining has completely attached to the placenta. While it may seem troublesome to be losing part of the uterine wall during pregnancy, it is generally not a health threat to the the mother or baby.



Bleeding that repeatedly starts and stops may be a signal that hormone levels are dropping, and a woman should have her blood hCG levels monitored. Heavy bleeding that soaks a sanitary napkin is a sign that miscarriage may be imminent or underway, and continuous heavy bleeding that can soak sanitary napkins in less than a few hours is a definite sign that a miscarriage has started. When an unnatural birth cycle has begun, it can’t be halted. Embryonic material is usually incorporated into the blood during a miscarriage.


Ectopic Pregnancy

Brown vaginal spotting or light bleeding can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus, and generally in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy usually occurs when a condition, such as scarring from a past infection, obstructs or slows the passage of the fertilized egg.



After intercourse, it is typical for a woman to notice light spotting. A pregnant woman’s cervix becomes more sensitive and engorged with blood vessels, and may become irritated during intercourse, which results in light bleeding.


Loss of Mucus Plug

Spotting may occur during the final few weeks of pregnancy when the mucus plug begins to loosen and is expelled. However, if the bleeding is bright red or includes a lot of fluid, contact the doctor immediately. The liquid could be amniotic fluid and be signifying that labor is underway.


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