that deer is ours!

What Is a Townhome?

A townhome offers an option between a single-family dwelling and an apartment. It can appeal to singles, retirees or married couples without kids.




A townhome is attached to one or more additional homes, usually found in urban areas and their surroundings.



Townhomes have small footprints and are often multistory dwellings. The purchase of a townhome includes the land on which it sits, unlike a condominium.



A townhome offers the advantages of a single-family dwelling with less responsibility for exterior maintenance and lawn care. Larger complexes may also offer amenities such as swimming pools.



Compared with more traditional houses, townhomes may offer less privacy. Townhome owners may also have to pay homeowner association fees to contribute to external maintenance and other shared services.


Fun Fact

The prime minister of the United Kingdom lives in a townhome at 10 Downing St. in London.


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