that deer is ours!

How to Announce a Second Pregnancy

For most women, announcing a first pregnancy is accompanied by a flurry of instant excitement, joy and wonder that envelops everyone from your mother-in-law to your hairdresser to the cashier at the grocery store. Regardless of whether…

How to Choose Baby Boy Names

Choosing a name for your child can be a lot of fun, but also can be quite stressful, since it will be something he carries for the rest of his life. There are many ways to get a list made before narrowing it down to just the right name,…

Points on Dealing With Culture Shock

First there is the honeymoon stage. Then there is the crisis aka Culture shock! To sum it up I want to restate this point. To get beyond culture shock really requires self-conscious effort to understand. 1. Culture Shock…

5 Tips For Safe Travel Happy Travel

You don't have to think the world is unsafe, it's quite the opposite. However even your home town probably has bad areas but you are less likely to get in trouble if you follow these common sense travel tips. Taking these very simple…