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Detailed information, research and latest developments about health.

Lesion on Temporal Lobe Effects

The effects of lesions on the temporal lobe of the brain are varied. This area of the brain controls much of a person's ability to recall memories, process language and interpret images. Those living with someone with such a disease…

The Prognosis for Untreated Glioblastoma

Glioblastoma is a fast-growing cancer of the glial cells. Glia are the cells that provide the structural support for the nerve cells that are at the center of the brain. Symptoms usually show up only when the tumor has grown large enough to…

Vitamins for Brain Cancer

Senator Edward Kennedy, columnist Robert Novak, and cookbook author Sheila Lukins all succumbed to brain cancer. Malignant brain tumors occur slightly more in men than women, with a rate of 4.5 cases in 100,000 people. Tumors can be…

Brain Cancer Fast Facts

Brain cancer develops due to a growth of abnormal cells. When you have brain cancer, these abnormal cells will eventually create a tumor. Tumors can be classified as benign (not cancerous) or as malignant (cancerous). There are more than…

Childhood Brain Cancer Symptoms

Brain cancer is a potentially deadly condition that can affect adults and children. It develops when a tumor forms in the brain or cancer from another part of the body metastasizes and moves to the brain. There are many signs and symptoms…

Nursing Care Plans for Brain Cancer

In the assessment of a patient who has brain cancer, the patient usually finds himself in a situation where his hair will be shaved off and he will face confusion. Mood swings and pain are among the forms of suffering the patient with brain…

What Are the Causes of Gliomas?

A glioma is a type of cancer most typically found in the brain but that can occur anywhere along the central nervous system, including the spinal chord and the optic nerve. A glioma is the most common form of brain tumor that affects…

About Glioblastoma Brain Cancer

Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of cancer that forms from malignant astrocytes, a type of glial cell that is in the brain. Glioblastoma brain cancer is the highest grade of glioma cancer with a grade four; it is the most malignant form of…

Symptoms of Advanced Brain Cancer

With any sort of brain cancer, be it primary or secondary (metastatic), people will begin to suffer from certain symptoms of the disease. But since the location of the cancer is in the brain, which is ultimately the epicenter of…