that deer is ours!

How to Identify Fenton Glass

Through the years, Fenton Art Glass maintained a strong history of producing the highest quality figurines, vases, bowls and decorative items. They closed their doors in October 2007, after a century in business, but the popularity of their…

Pilates for Serratus Anterior

The serratus anterior, located on either side of your chest alongside your ribcage, attaches to your shoulder and stabilizes your scapulae, enabling you to raise your shoulders and rotate your scapulae. Excessive protrusion of the shoulder…

16 Count Pilates Exercises

Extending the amount of time spent holding a Pilates pose to 16 counts enhances the challenge of your workout. By compelling your body to stay in place for a longer period, you not only more fully engage and strengthen your muscles, but you…

The Best Cardio Exercises for Men Over 70

Cardio exercise refers to aerobic activity that raises the heart rate. When the heart rate is raised, the heart muscle is strengthened, and more oxygen can freely flow to the cells within the body. Cardio activity is especially important…

Does Oxygen Intake Change After Exercise?

It's no secret that oxygen is the driving force of your body during exercise, no matter what form of exercise you engage in. How much oxygen you need to take in during a workout depends on your age, genetic factors, your level of fitness…