that deer is ours!

How to Play Hanukkah Party Games

There are many popular party games that can be used during Hanukkah to keep guests entertained. Which ones you choose depends on many factors, such as the age of the guests, family traditions and personal preferences. Some games have been…

Benefits of Running Bleachers

Running bleachers is a common conditioning exercise for high school and college students training for football or track, but it isn't just for students or elite athletes. This cardiovascular workout can be part of anyone's training regimen…

How to Run Two Miles a Day to Lose Weight

Jogging two miles a day is an excellent way to lose weight. Depending on your body weight and pace, you can burn anywhere from 200 to 500 calories, a number that can easily result in large decreases in weight. Although many people assume…

How to Build Endurance on a Treadmill

Your level of endurance will dictate how long you can continue cardiovascular exercise before becoming fatigued. You can build your endurance by working out on a treadmill if you’re consistent with your training and gradually build the…

How to Assess Fitness Level

Knowing your current level of fitness means you can set goals. And followup assessments can reveal the effectiveness of your current workout program. Branches of the military, first responders, sports teams and leagues measure the fitness…

How to Tone the Butt With Stair Climbing

Resistance training is key when toning your body. And while there are a number of effective exercises to tone your butt -- which is composed of the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus -- stair climbing is especially helpful. For optimal…

How to Eat After a Cardio Workout

After a long, intense cardio workout, if you reach for a doughnut, a pint of ice cream or whatever happens to be edible in the refrigerator, your muscles will face a rocky road to recovery. As soon as you finish exercising, refuel your…

How to Get Free Parking at Disneyland

A vacation at Disneyland allows you to play with the kids, have a wonderful family experience and break the bank. After you pay for tickets, accommodations and food, you'll find even more costs, such as for parking at Disneyland. While…

How to Visit San Francisco on a Budget

San Francisco is a top U.S. tourist destination. But for many, a trip to the City by the Bay would break the budget. A little research and planning, however, can help you enjoy the sights of San Francisco without spending a lot of money.…