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How to Tone the Butt With Stair Climbing

Resistance training is key when toning your body. And while there are a number of effective exercises to tone your butt — which is composed of the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus — stair climbing is especially helpful.

For optimal results when it comes to this exercise, start with a light warm up. Allowing adequate recovery between stair-climbing sessions can also help maximize your results.


9 Steps to Tone the Butt With Stair Climbing

How to Tone the Butt With Stair Climbing


1. Wear proper athletic gear.

Including shorts, t-shirt or other clothing that allows for easy movement. Tennis shoes that are comfortable and fit properly are also important when it comes to toning your butt with stair climbing.


2. Find a staircase that appears to be in good condition.

And is free from cracks, debris and other potential risks. Similarly, a staircase that does not feature a lot of pedestrian traffic is optimal for exercise, as you will not need to move out of the way for other individuals during your workout. Staircases at football or soccer stadiums may be ideal when it comes to choosing a locale for this activity.


3. Warm up for between three and five minutes.

By performing jumping jacks or toe taps on the bottom stair. Light stair running can also help to warm up the muscles needed for this activity. When starting out, it should take between 10 and 30 seconds to complete one flight of stairs.


4. Begin your workout by running up one flight up stairs.

Touching one foot on each step as you ascend the staircase. Carefully walk back down the stairs, returning to your starting point, and repeat another five to eight times.


5. Increase the intensity by running up one flight of stairs.

Touching one foot on every other step as you ascend the staircase. Carefully walk back down the stairs, returning to the starting point, and repeat three to five more times.


6. Run laterally up one flight of stairs.

Touching both feet on every step as you ascend the staircase. Carefully return to your starting point, and repeat three to five more times.


7. Run laterally up one flight of stairs.

Crossing the right leg in front of the left, and touching one foot on each step as you ascend the staircase. Carefully return to the starting point, and repeat three to five more times.


8. Stretch the muscles activated during this exercise.

Including the quadriceps, hamstrings, hips and calf muscles. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, and repeat.


9. Develop an appropriate training regimen.

The American College of Sports Medicine encourage adults to perform strength training exercises that target the muscles in the butt — such as stair climbing — twice per week. Make sure that you have at least one day of rest between stair-climbing sessions to allow your muscles adequate recovery time.


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