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newborn care

How to Wrap a Baby

After months of growing in tight quarters, all that space in the outside world may feel unfamiliar to your newborn. You can help her feel warm and cozy during the first few days or weeks after birth by swaddling her in a blanket, which…

How to Hold a Newborn Baby

Newborn babies are fragile, but they won't break. Don't be afraid to hold a newborn, because soon, you'll get the hang of it. The most important thing to know about holding a newborn baby is that they are not born with the ability to…

How to Handle a Newborn

That wiggly little bundle of joy you just brought home gives you lots of reasons to feel ecstatic, but handling a newborn for the first time is often scary. His little body seems so delicate and squirmy. Since he needs you to meet all of…