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vegetarian recipes

Zucchini Alfredo Recipe

As a long-time vegetarian, vegan and lover of natural foods I get really excited to share veg-friendly alternatives to classic flavors. With this in mind, I’m turning to my recent exploration of the raw foods movement for guidance and…

Veggie Rainbow Recipe

Food at different places and in different packaging gives us unique perspective, doesn’t it? I don’t think ever appreciated peanuts as much before. To say the least, the airlines food made me appreciate the cooked food. I need my…

Beefing Up Vegetarian Dishes

One thing dedicated vegetarians and meat-eaters can agree on is that they want nothing to do with the others’ diet. I know some carnivores who are convinced a meal will not fill them up if there isn’t meat involved. Tofu doesn’t stick to…

Vegetarian Recipes

Think vegetarian and gourmet can’t go hand-in-hand? Think again! Many of the world’s leading chefs create delicious, healthy, affordable vegetarian meals – and you can, too. There are many reasons people choose to become vegetarians.…

Winter Salads Ideas

I know that winter isn’t exactly the time to be thinking about salads, greens, and other such leafy things but summer isn’t the only time to be doing the salad thing. So today I wanted to give you some tools to create your own winter…