that deer is ours!

Shih-Tzu Breed Information

Originating in Tibet, the Shih-Tzu breed was known as one of the small holy dogs. The most prominent feature of the breed is its long, flowing coat that has a double layer. The coat is actually hair similar to that of humans, not fur like…

Shetland Sheepdog Health Guide

One of the key things that new owners should remember about caring for a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) is that this dog may gain excess weight from overeating if given too much food. Some experts warn that commercial foods may have…

Shetland Sheepdog Training Guide

There are a number of methods for training a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) depending on the results that you are aiming for. These methods range from basic obedience and respect training, housebreaking or housetraining to show training and…

Health Insurance for Tourists

Health insurance for tourists is available to anyone traveling to a foreign country. The only requirement for this type of insurance is simply that your destination be a country other than your country of residence. …

Health & Airline Travel Insurance

When a traveler books a vacation, she takes a risk. Without knowing the ins and outs of the health system in a foreign country or the safety of an aircraft, she puts her well-being in danger. Taking a flight, a traveler may suffer a minor…

Shetland Sheepdog Breed Information

If you are looking for a great companion that is the equal of any dog in intelligence, the Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) may be the perfect pet for you. Long known as an excellent herding dog, the Sheltie will also be a great friend, loyal…