that deer is ours!

How to Compare Backpacker Insurance

The modern traveler, who has to consider multiple factors when choosing backpacker or traveler's insurance, is fortunate to have a variety of options in researching and choosing insurance. Among the factors in picking the right insurance…

Scottish Terrier Health Guide

This is a generally healthy breed of dog, but the Scottish Terrier can be prone to just a few medical conditions. The new owner should know about and ask about these, beginning with von Willebrand’s disease. This is an inherited blood…

Scottish Terrier Training Guide

Scottish Terriers can be a challenge to train. New owners should be aware of this from the beginning. Independence is one of the key traits of this very popular breed, so Scottie training must involve the right motivation. As some…

How to Add Insurance to Your Flight

There are two types of flight insurance: flight protection or trip insurance, which protects you from extra fees in case you cancel your trip; and flight accident insurance, which covers accidental death and dismemberment. Buying flight…

How to Compare Auto Club Services

Auto club services can help with roadside assistance if an unexpected incident occurs while you travel. Whether you’re in town or out of town, you can use auto club services that can quickly respond and provide you with the assistance you…

Scottish Terrier Breed Information

The ever-popular Scottish Terrier or Scottie is an independent breed of dog that can be very loyal to its master. Many owners say their Scottie is also very protective of its own privacy, sometimes preferring to just be left alone. This…