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Safety of Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds are debt obligations of local municipalities or government agencies, usually issued for the funding of long-term capital projects. In general, investing in municipal bonds is considered safer than investing in stocks, but…

How to Calculate Floaters

"Floater" is short for floating rate note. These notes are bonds that pay out interest payments to the bond holders at pre-set intervals -- a typical term is every three months. The interest rate paid "floats" in that it is tied to two…

How to Calculate Bond Risk

Bonds are considered to be safer investments than stocks; ideally, upon the bond's maturity, you should be repaid your initial investment. Further, the bond market tends to be less volatile than the stock market. That does not mean,…

Define Marketable Debt

Marketable debt covers a wide range of securities. It is even possible for some non-marketable debt to be converted into the marketable kind. Identification Debt instruments are loans that must be repaid with…

Types of Retirement Bonds

Generating current income is an important consideration for many retirees, and investing in bonds can be an excellent way to get current income without taking an undue amount of risk. Controlling risk is always an important consideration…