that deer is ours!

How to Record My Last Will & Testament

Keeping a current last will and testament is important for anyone who desires to protect his last wishes regarding possessions, assets, cash, bank accounts, dividends and other monies. Once created by an individual, service or attorney, the…

How to Pay a Probate Lawyer

A lawyer is a legal professional who practices law in a particular state. Hiring a lawyer is often the first step in the resolution of a legal issue. It is important to choose a lawyer who has experience in the area of law that is relevant…

Safety of Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds are debt obligations of local municipalities or government agencies, usually issued for the funding of long-term capital projects. In general, investing in municipal bonds is considered safer than investing in stocks, but…

How to Calculate Floaters

"Floater" is short for floating rate note. These notes are bonds that pay out interest payments to the bond holders at pre-set intervals -- a typical term is every three months. The interest rate paid "floats" in that it is tied to two…

How to Assign Power of Attorney

Power of attorney is a legal agreement that allows someone else to act in your behalf for legal or financial matters. Unlike other legal relationships, such as a conservatorship, giving someone power of attorney does not supersede your…