that deer is ours!
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Chief Logan State Park Camping

Chief Logan State Park is set amid West Virginia's southern coalfields at the heart of Hatfield and McCoy country, where the infamous families carried on their often-fatal feud in the 1880s. Named for an 18th-century chief of the local…

How to Start Fires With Chip Bags

The cooking oil and fat content used to make chips and the resulting oil and fat that line the interior of chip bags make chips and chip bags flammable. A chip bag can act as a survival tool when necessary. Creating a fire from a chip…

Stealth Camping for Pickup Trucks

Slip in at dusk undetected, stay the night and leave in the morning with no one the wiser of your stay. This is stealth camping. With minimal setup, a pickup truck and camper are ideal for this sneaky form of roughing it. …

3 Day Camping Food List

If you're going camping over a long-weekend, you will want to bring enough food supplies to last you all three days. At the same time, you'll lonly want to carry what you need, since you don't want to add unnecessary weight to everything to…

Top 5 Summer Activities

1. Swimming This swimming idea is not just about swimming, but any dabbing in the water and having fun. It can be splashing water from a sprinkler too. Water and summer go together. Swimming can be at a pool in the back yard, at a lake or…

How to Go to the Toilet While Camping

You were potty-trained as a baby, but your first backcountry or primitive camping trip will teach you things your mother never did about disposing of human waste. After having modern flush toilets whisk away human waste, you may feel…