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interest rate

Interest Rate Vs. Yield

Most corporate bonds are issued with a fixed interest rate, payable to investors on an annual basis until maturity. Yield is a term that expresses the true rate of return for investors who purchase these bonds at variable prices. …

How to Buy Stocks & Bonds for Kids

Sometimes, you may wish you'd invested in the stock market earlier in life. You probably wonder how much you could've made if you invested when you were much younger, but now it is the time to do it for your children. Buying stocks for your…

Value Vs. Growth Index Funds

Value and growth index funds are two types of mutual funds that take a different approach to investment strategy. The goal for both strategies, however, is to take advantage of movements in the stock market to capitalize on the investment.…

Can I Buy Gold Bars at My Bank?

Although U.S. banks are considered one of the safest places to store gold bars, it is unlikely your bank will sell gold bullion to you and let you take it home. Some banks will sell you the gold on paper, but it must be kept in its vault or…