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mental health

What Does Low Amniotic Fluid Mean?

Amniotic fluid cushions the fetus while it is still in the womb. It protects it from bumps and bruises while the mother moves around and also insulates the fetus from temperature fluctuations. Oligohydramnios Oligohydramnios…

Zoll Battery Storage Temperature

Zoll Medical Corporation produces equipment designed for important tasks like saving lives. Therefore, products like batteries need to be stored at the right temperature to ensure they work properly when needed. …

Sandtray Techniques

Sandtray therapy is considered an expressive and dynamic form of psychotherapy that facilitates expression of thoughts through metaphor and symbols, according to the Sandtray Therapy Institute. The technique aims at healing individuals…

How to Overcome Grief

Most people will experience grief over the loss of a loved one at some point in their life. The causes may differ, but the emotional pain associated with the loss of a mother, father, child, dear friend or spouse can be extremely…

What Is Positive Adaptation?

Positive adaptation, sometimes identified with "psychological resilience," is a psychological system of coping skills employed by persons or families met with traumatic events. This therapeutic coping system meets adversity and stressful…

Ego & Jealousy

In psychoanalysis, ego is the part of the mind that acts according to emotions and impulse. Jealousy is a reaction to the ego's fear that it does not measure up to others' accomplishments or is unworthy of the object or person desired.…

How to Overcome Doubt

Doubt is that nagging voice in the back of your mind that tells you all the reasons you can't succeed. It can be called shyness, anxiety, or lack of self-confidence, but whatever its name, it can hurt your life. There are several ways to…

Advice for the Newly Divorced

Divorce is a major cause of significant stress in the life of the parties involved. It is quite normal to come out of a divorce with mixed feelings and to feel confused about where to begin in healing and rebuilding your life. If you…

How to Avoid Narcissistic Behaviors

Narcissism seems to be running rampant in modern American society. It's also become something we magically diagnose others with without seeking professional help. What we're really talking about here is an epidemic of selfishness, the…