that deer is ours!

What Is COPD Respiratory Failure?

COPD respiratory failure is essentially an event that causes the lungs to "fail" to perform properly due to a COPD, or a chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease. What happens in a respiratory failure is that the exchange of oxygen and carbon…

How to Overcome Stage Fright Fast

While stage fright is a natural response to what many people consider a scary situation, it is almost never welcome. If you have ever found yourself feeling overwhelmed with fright before an important presentation or speech, you probably…

Why Does Stage Fright Occur?

Stage fright is the nervousness, anxiousness, fear and phobia caused by having to perform or speak in front of an audience. The audience does not have to be live (as in the case of television) or large; even speaking in front of three or…

Self-Esteem Builder Activities

Your self-esteem is based on both external (loss of a job or loved one) and internal (coping with stress or illness) factors. So in order to maintain a healthy esteem, you have to work on both the external self and the internal self. The…

Self Esteem Activities in Recovery

Regardless of whether you are recovering from a serious physical or mental illness that has knocked down your self esteem, there are many ways to regain it. Some are simple activities that may make you cringe, but they do help --…

Self-reflection Activities

Socrates, Albert Schweitzer, Ben Franklin and other great thinkers believed that self-reflection was necessary to lead a productive and fulfilled life. In a world where moving quickly and being the best have become top priorities,…

Basic Activities for Writing Therapy

Face-to-face therapy sessions are not always the best or most practical approaches to treating physical, emotional or cognitive problems. Writing therapy aids in recovering from multiple afflictions and can be used by anyone for little or…

Erickson & Psychosocial Stages

Erik Erikson, a German psychoanalyst, developed eight psychosocial stages of development that he identified in his book "Childhood and Society," published in 1950. Each stage offers a challenge and an opportunity for personal growth.…

How to Channel Fears

Fears can come in many forms and be caused by many things. It can be a lingering childhood fear of the dark or spiders or an adult fear of abandonment, failure or death. Fears can keep us from living our lives to the fullest. The best…

How to Help a Codependent

Codependency is probably more prevalent in our society than one can imagine. It's a quiet disorder that many people live with, believing they are just unhappy or unlucky or unworthy. If there is a codependent in your life, there are some…