that deer is ours!

Miniature Pinscher Health Guide

Owners of the Miniature Pinscher have found this wonderful, tiny breed to be quite sturdy, generally free of serious health problems. The key to having a long, problem-free relationship with any pet is to get a good start. The place to…

Miniature Pinscher Training Guide

This small, popular breed makes a great family pet, but basic obedience training is a must because of the breed being somewhat headstrong. The Miniature Pinscher can be demanding and may even try to take control of the household if given…

English Mastiff Health Guide

As with any purebred dog, it is best to begin your search for a Mastiff puppy by visiting at least three reputable breeders. This way, you will have the opportunity to look closely at the living conditions, as well as the interaction…

English Mastiff Training Guide

The Mastiff is a large and impressive breed that makes a great family dog in the right situation. Keep in mind that this is a gigantic dog, compared to other breeds. For this reason, many families find the size and strength of the Mastiff…

English Mastiff Breed Information

The Mastiff, or English Mastiff, is one of the largest dogs, standing as tall as 32 inches at the shoulder and weighing up to 175 pounds. Some members of this breed grow to 36 inches tall and weigh more than 200 pounds. Despite its size,…