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Detailed information, research and latest developments about health.

How to Be Self-Confident at 40

Self-confidence is a key quality for every part of your life at every stage of your life. People with high self-confidence have the faith in themselves necessary to take risks and try new things. They tend to be more successful because they…

How to Enhance Your Self-Confidence

Low self-confidence can affect all areas of your life, including your health. Life is a series of ups and downs, and some people handle low points better than others. Self-confident people stand a much better chance of succeeding than…

How to Repair Broken Self Confidence

The way you see the world begins with the way you see yourself. When you cultivate high self esteem and awareness, you invite positive energy and powerful, uplifting relationships into your life. Your self confidence can open the door to…

Levels of Self-Confidence

Self-esteem, or self confidence, is a basic human need. A.H. Maslow, a founder of humanistic psychology, studied how our propensity for high or low self-esteem is determined. He concluded that it is in part determined by our ability to…

Things to Help Self Confidence

Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and it is normal to struggle with this from time to time. However, feeling confident can be more of a challenge for some people. Lack of confidence can inhibit your ability to enjoy life and…

How to Restore Self-Confidence

Trials in life, failures, and obstacles can all contribute to beating down a person's self-confidence. Belief in oneself isn't inherited; it's learned. You can mentally teach and condition yourself to have confidence. Invest your time and…