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Detailed information, research and latest developments about health.

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

Keeping focused on weight loss and maintaining the motivation to move forward through the rigors of a restrictive diet and demanding exercise routine can be quite a challenge. Stave off your growing disdain for the treadmill by cheering…

How to Change a Self-Image

Self-image is the way you see yourself. It essentially affects every area of your life, including relationships, work, and your overall health and happiness. Physical appearance, social status, personal achievements and quality of…

Positive Self Image Activities

Self-image is the mental concept or picture you have of yourself. Manifesting a positive self-image can be an asset in all areas of life, whereas a poor self-image can have negative effects in everything from work performance to…

How to Discover a Positive Self Image

Having a positive self-image and self-esteem can lead to many rewards in life, including improved personal relationships. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have self-confidence, and low self-image is a very common issue. Several tips…

How to Create a New Self Image

Self-image involves your personal feelings and perceptions regarding your body and mind. It also is the result of the relationships you have with others, as well as incorporates aspects of your childhood, according to research done by…

Self Image Activities

In a world rife with pressures and stress, it can often be difficult to hold on to your true identity. Many people suffer from low self-esteem. Although it is a problem that can trail a person for their entire life, there are some great…

Damage From a Crown Cement Failure

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are artificial teeth made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metals or resin. Crowns are used to cover broken or damaged teeth, or to provide stability to surrounding teeth. The original tooth…

Theories of Failure

Failure is a part of the human condition. Various theories related to motivation have attempted to explain the reasons why students fail in school activities. Students can fail to meet the expectations of the teacher or themselves.…

How to Repair Septic System Failure

A septic system is an underground holding tank for human waste; natural bacteria breaks the waste down into components that are environmentally acceptable. These components are then discharged into a leach field, where the waste flows…