that deer is ours!
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Activities to Enhance Self Esteem

According to the Mayo Clinic, self esteem is shaped by a person's thoughts, relationships and experiences, and having a high self esteem provides an individual with a healthy state of mind. A person's self esteem is her overall opinion of…

How to Manage Disappointment

Whether you lost a job, saw the end of a relationship, or didn't get the raise you were expecting, disappointment can be a powerful emotion. There are steps you can take, however, to transform a disappointing situation into one filled with…

How to Channel Fears

Fears can come in many forms and be caused by many things. It can be a lingering childhood fear of the dark or spiders or an adult fear of abandonment, failure or death. Fears can keep us from living our lives to the fullest. The best…

The Types of Blinking

Be amazed the next time you blink as Mother Nature has supplied us with eyes that are capable of clearing, moisturizing and filtering in one quick motion. Blinking supplies our eyes with two forms of moisturizers. The moisturizers help…

How to Overcome Handicap Obstacles

People often believe that individuals with a handicap are at a disadvantage when it comes to achieving their goals. The word "handicap" is often used interchangeably with the word "disabled." World Health Organization describes a…

How to Help an ADHD Child Learn to Spell

Spelling is a crucial skill for both adults and children so they can effectively communicate using the written word. If you have a child or a student with ADHD who is having difficulty learning to spell, then you probably need some advice…