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How to Groom a Longhair Dachshund

Longhair dachshunds are gorgeous animals. Their short bodies and long hair make an exciting combination that is unmatched in the canine world. However, this same hair and body can be a large pain and a time consuming mess. Know where to…

Dachshund Health Guide

The Dachshund is a surprisingly sturdy dog with stamina, one that will do quite well with moderate exercise. Keep in mind that due to the body structure, this breed tends to gain weight quickly. Therefore, you would need to take care not to…

Dachshund Training Guide

This popular breed, with its unique body and way of walking, is a favorite with families. Due to needing little exercise, this bred makes and excellent choice for people living in apartments, smaller homes, or homes without yard space.…

Dachshund Breed Information

Many people think of the Dachshund as one type of dog that has short legs, short hair, and a long body. This is partially correct, but probably does not go quite far enough. There are actually three varieties of Dachshund to include…