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Dachshund : 10 Most Common Questions

The Dachshund makes an excellent pet, but new owners often find their new puppy to be stubborn, willful, and sometimes downright irritating. By carefully choosing a breeder and the puppy you bring home, you can make the Dachshund a wonderful addition to your family.

This breed of dog is intelligent and friendly in the correct home environment. To help you understand this long-bodied beast better, we have gathered 10 commonly asked questions about the Dachshund, along with answers.


Dachshund Questions


1. What is the history and background of the Dachshund?

The Dachshund originated in Germany hundreds of years ago. At that time, it was used to hunt badgers, even to the point of going into the ground dens to root them out. Interestingly, “Dachs” is the German word for badger.

The breed’s elongated body and short legs made it ideal for this purpose. This little dog is generally tenacious and energetic because of its history, but also a friendly and loyal family member.


2. How big does the Dachshund get?

There are three varieties of Dachshund – shorthaired, wirehaired, and longhaired. Each of the varieties can have different sizes to include standard, dwarf, and toy.

Standard Dachshunds will stand from 14 to 18 inches and weigh about 20 pounds, whereas Dwarf Dachshunds stand up to 14 inches and weigh about nine pounds, and finally Toy Dachshunds stand up to 12 inches and weigh about 8 pounds.


3. I have heard that Dachshunds are stubborn and hard to train – is this true?

This breed is known to be somewhat stubborn and willful, and may be one of the hardest to housebreak.

On the other hand, Dachshunds are also quite friendly and even can be good with children if properly raised and socialized by a good breeder. Consistent and firm training is necessary, but physical punishment is not recommended.


4. Where should I buy my Dachshund?

Just about every place you look for information on purebred dogs will tell you that responsible breeders will never place one of their dogs in a retail pet shop.

Most experienced owners will tell you to visit at least three breeders and be prepared with questions about health and training. There are also very good pet rescue organizations that offer excellent Dachshunds.


5. Should I leave my Dachshund outside in the yard when I am gone?

It is always best to supervise your dog at all times. A Dachshund should be fine in a small, fenced yard for a short time, but the best way to exercise your pet and give it outside time is to take it for walks and play time in the park.

In addition, the Dachshund is not a good full-time outside dog, doing much better in a small home or apartment.


6. What health problems should I look for in my Dachshund?

The Dachshund can suffer from back and spine problems from genetic disc degeneration or form injury. It is best not to let the Dachshund jump from furniture or a porch and you may want to provide a ramp in place of steps or stairways.

Hen, the Dachshund tends to gain weight rapidly so the right diet is essential and regular exercise is important.


7. What should I feed my Dachshund?

The Dachshund is also prone to heart disease and diabetes, especially if the diet and exercise schedule are not correct for the pet.

Generally, this breed will live 12 years or more, even up to 16 years, if it is properly cared for. Unfortunately, the wrong diet and too many treats can lead to obesity in the Dachshund, so the owner should always be careful about getting away from a regular meal plan.

Typically, veterinarians recommend you use fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks to include carrots, celery, bananas, and so on. Some owners prepare fresh meals for their Dachshund with many of the same ingredients they use for their own food, such as vegetables and grains that contain the right vitamins and the right levels of protein.


8. How do I potty train my Dachshund?

It is true that this breed is one of the most difficult to housebreak so crate training is highly recommended because it will teach the dog restraint and provide a safe haven for the pet. Start by taking the dog out early in the morning and praise him for doing the right things.

You should also be prepared to take your pet outside regularly during the day and remember that prevention is the best system.


9. Do Dachshunds get along with other dogs?

Dachshunds can be tenacious and a bit aggressive because they have some of the terrier personality. They can be fine with other pets, but some owners have found them to be jealous and irritable, especially before any training or length of time with the family.

Starting with well-socialized puppies from a good breeder is always recommended. Consistent supervision is best.


10. Are there really, different kinds of Dachshunds?

Yes, there are shorthaired, wire haired and longhaired Dachshunds. In addition, there are “normal” size Dachshunds, Dwarf Dachshunds, and Toy Dachshunds, with the type separated by weight and average height.

Each can be found in solid color or two colors, as well as streaked or speckled coats.


Read More About Dachshund


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