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Theories of Failure

Failure is a part of the human condition. Various theories related to motivation have attempted to explain the reasons why students fail in school activities. Students can fail to meet the expectations of the teacher or themselves.…

How to Repair Septic System Failure

A septic system is an underground holding tank for human waste; natural bacteria breaks the waste down into components that are environmentally acceptable. These components are then discharged into a leach field, where the waste flows…

Vestibular Failure

The vestibular system, part of the inner ear, controls the body's sense of balance and direction. When this system fails, patients must learn to compensate for the loss of balance, and resulting dizziness. The…

What Is COPD Respiratory Failure?

COPD respiratory failure is essentially an event that causes the lungs to "fail" to perform properly due to a COPD, or a chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease. What happens in a respiratory failure is that the exchange of oxygen and carbon…