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Basic Clothing Needs of a Newborn

Tiny dresses and hats. Itsy bitsy socks. Almost nothing is cuter than newborn clothing -- other than your newborn, that is. But don't rush to buy out the clothing store. Newborns grow quickly, and what fit yesterday may be too small…

Necessities to Buy for Newborn Twins

You don't need two of everything when you're having twins -- but you do need two of some essential baby gear, as well as a double supply of newborn diapers. But before you rush out and buy two of some things, such as infant swings or…

Bonding With a Premature Infant

Pregnancy is supposed to be a fun and exciting time. When the realization hits that you are entering preterm labor, however, you may find yourself overcome by fear and worry about the health of the baby who isn’t quite ready to enter the…

Can You Spoil a Newborn?

Grandma's advice may be well-meaning, but don't listen to her if she tells you that you are spoiling your baby: Experts agree that it is impossible to spoil a newborn. Newborn babies have basic needs that must be met, and it is your job…

Ways to Improve Newborn Attachment

While most newborns arrive in the world ready to build an attachment, some parents feel anxious about how to initiate the bonding experience with their precious bundle of joy. Attachment is not an overnight phenomenon, but rather a…

What to Buy Newborn Twin Girls

The arrival of newborn twin girls is a joyful event for any family. And whether you're a close friend or loving relative who lives 500 miles away, it's natural that you want to share in their joy by giving the newborns a special gift.…