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Atkins Diet for Pregnancy

When pregnant, women must eat to provide for their baby's nutritional needs as well as their own. For a healthy pregnancy, good nutrition is essential. The maintenance level of the Atkins diet can provide a healthy, balanced and nutritious…

Pregnancy & Phentermine

A pregnant woman has to watch everything she puts in her body. From food to X-rays, pregnancy is all about trying to avoid anything that may harm the unborn baby. On the top of the lists of things to be cautious of when pregnant is…

Pregnancy Diet Fact Sheet

Although you may have heard the saying that a pregnant woman eats for two, you might want to think again. Now that you're pregnant, you only need to consume an extra 300 calories each day to sustain healthy growth in your unborn baby,…

Healthy Snacks for Pregnancy

According to March of Dimes, a pregnant woman needs to consume only 300 additional calories each day to provide adequate nutrition for her unborn baby. Although you are technically eating for two, knowing which foods provide healthy snacks…

Cold Treatments in Pregnancy

Treating the common cold can be a bit tricky for a pregnant women. Instead of automatically selecting the easiest or most convenient treatment option, she instead needs to take careful consideration of how the treatment will affect her…