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other alternative medicine

How to Make My Life a Little Bit Brighter

Making life fun and interesting creates a happy environment and, therefore, a happier life. There are many ways to make your life a little brighter that don't cost much or anything at all and they don't take much effort, either. Making a…

Feng Shui Cures for Depression

The techniques of feng shui help energy flow through your home--or any space where you spend time, like an office--to create a balanced, happy lifestyle. Yin and yang are major principles in feng shui. When a person is feeling depressed,…

Feng Shui Tips for Pregnancy

For 3,500 years, the Chinese have used feng shui to bring peace, calm and health to all areas of life, including pregnancy. Like wind, this energy called “chi” flows all around you. It is subtle energy that can either cause stress or put…

Feng Shui Cures for Headaches

Tension headaches are characterized by a dull, aching pain in your head, pressure across your forehead, the back of your head or the sides of your head, scalp tenderness, neck and shoulder tension, and a diminished appetite. A tension…

Feng Shui Cures

If you or a loved is experiencing a prolonged period of unhappiness that doesn't seem to have any cause, the energy in your home may be the silent culprit. Feng shui, the ancient Chinese art involving energy flow, offers solutions to…

How to Use Piyao in Feng Shui

The Piyao is a fierce mythical creature capable of destroying demons and evil spirits. In ancient China, the Piyao guarded the tombs of emperors. The Piyao has many functions such as to promote good luck and health, protection from evil…