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personal skills

How to Deal With a Manipulator

A number of personality types tend to engage in manipulative behavior, including narcissists and those with antisocial personality disorder. While walking away is often a good idea, there are some cases when this is not possible, such as…

How to Think Clearly

Mental clarity is important, whether you need to make an important decision, be more spontaneous, argue a point more effectively, or just communicate something to a friend, spouse, romantic partner or family member. The complex and…

How to Handle Failure

Failure can make you feel awful. But it is an inevitable part of life; everyone fails sometimes. By communicating about the failure to those around you, boosting self-worth, seeing it as a learning experience and replacing negative…

How to Be Disciplined

People who are disciplined have clearly defined goals, a plan to monitor behavior and an accepting attitude toward setbacks. Whether you are looking to lose weight, attain financial security or graduate from college, discipline is a…