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workplace etiquette

How to Write a Terminating Contract

There are instances when even good business agreements need to be terminated. If you need to nullify a contract, then you need to write out a termination contract or termination contract letter. The purpose of a termination contract is…

Inexpensive Gifts for Staff

Besides bonuses or salary raises in the form of cold, hard cash, staff gifts are a gracious means of showing appreciation for their hard work. They can also serve as rewards for extra effort and a job especially well done. These gifts will…

Gifts for Male Employees

Gift giving in the workplace or participating in a Secret Santa gift exchange can be a fun way to spread holiday cheer when a few parameters are put in place. Companies usually provide guidelines such as a predetermined spending amount up…

Define Quality Customer Service

Quality customer service is important to a many aspects of a business. If customers are unsatisfied with service, businesses can lose out on clients to another local business. Function Customers expect good…

Safety in an Office Environment

When people go to work in an office they can sometimes take safety for granted. Develop good safety habits in the office to help avoid injury and to maintain productivity as well. Walkways Be sure that walkways are…

What Are Good Office Plants?

A plant is a great way to add life and color to an office environment. In addition to sprucing up the atmosphere, plants can also help to purify air. When choosing plants for your office space, the best plants require minimal care.…