that deer is ours!

What Are Good Office Plants?

A plant is a great way to add life and color to an office environment. In addition to sprucing up the atmosphere, plants can also help to purify air. When choosing plants for your office space, the best plants require minimal care.



A few bamboo sticks in a glass vase with rocks is a decorative addition to any desk. The bamboo is low-maintenance and will survive with little sunlight and occasional watering.



Spider Plant

Spider plant is an attractive hanging plant that is easy to grow indoors. The hanging spider blossoms can be transplanted to create multiple plants.

Spider Plant



Cacti come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are easy to care for. They require practically no water, sunlight or pruning.



Rubber Plant

The rubber plant survives with a less-than-average amount of light and water. In addition, this large plant is known for cleaning toxins from the air.

Rubber Plant



Dracaenas include a group of diverse plants and trees ideal for an indoor office environment. They do best in minimal light and drier conditions.




Before bringing any plants to the office, keep co-workers in mind. Aggravated asthma and allergies to plants are common; both could result in an uncomfortable work atmosphere.

Office Plants


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