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Dog Breed

Detailed information, how to guides, research and tips about dog breed.

Problems With Basset Hounds

Problems with basset hounds -- those lovable long-eared, short-legged rabbit hunters -- revolve primarily around health and training. Basset Hound Personality The American Kennel Club describes the basset hound as…

Labrador Dog Characteristics

The intelligent, athletic Labrador retriever is a favorite of American canine enthusiasts and has long been considered one of the most suitable dogs to keep as a pet. Prized for his agility, enthusiasm and gentleness, the Labrador is at…

What Is a Teacup Maltese?

The pure white Maltese is one of the smallest dog breeds registered with the AKC (American Kennel Club). The lively, fearless Maltese ranges from 4 to 7 pounds at maturity. The so-called "teacup" Maltese is even tinier, not recognized by…

What Are Yorkipoos?

Yorkie poos are a cross between Yorkshire terriers and poodles. Breeding together two of the world's cutest, smallest dogs results in an equally adorable mixed breed. Ideally, this combination brings out the best qualities of both…