that deer is ours!

How to Assemble a Layette

If you’re an expectant parent or are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a family member’s or friend’s baby, a layette is key to preparation. A layette is a group of items newborn babies need immediately following birth and in the months ahead. While your layette doesn’t have to be traditional, most layettes at least include a few main items that new parents shouldn’t be without.


6 Steps to Assemble a Layette

Assemble a Layette

1. Select key pieces of clothing.

Newborn babies need a supply of one-pieces, as well as shirts, pants and hats, depending on the weather. A jacket and winter hat are essential if your baby is born during the cold months. Rompers, sundresses and a swimsuit are perfect for babies born in the summer months. Include infant pajamas, socks or booties and undershirts.


2. Include receiving blankets in the layette.

If your baby is born during the cold weather months, include a heavier blanket to tuck around your baby in the stroller or to cover her car seat when you’re out and about.


3. Add diapers and wipes to the layette.

Include newborn diapers for the early days home from the hospital, but you might also include diapers in a larger size, as well. Throw in some diaper rash cream as well.


4. Incorporate feeding items.

If you’re planning to breastfeed, include a cloth designed to cover you when you’re nursing in public. A breast pump — and all the associated parts — is necessary if you plan on returning to work, but still want to breastfeed. Include bottles, nipples and formula if you plan to bottle feed. Don’t forget to include burp cloths and pacifiers, too.


5. Incorporate an assortment of grooming and health items.

Add an infant thermometer, nail cutters and a baby bathtub to your list of things to include in a layette. Though not necessary, you can also add an infant brush.


6. Include safety essentials, such as a baby monitor or car seat.

A car seat is an absolute must, and most hospitals won’t let you take your baby home unless you show them that you have a car seat and know how to use it.


Tips & Warnings
You can add in non-essential items to a layette even if they aren’t absolutely necessary, such as a diaper disposal system and a bottle warmer.


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