that deer is ours!

How to Choose an OB/GYN

Choosing an OB/GYN is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your life. This is the person who will be responsible for bringing your future son or daughter into the world and helping to take care of the mother along the way. You shouldn’t enter into this decision lightly.

Here are some things to think about as you make that decision.


5 Steps to Choose an OB/GYN

Choose an OB/GYN


1. Ask friends with children about their OB/GYN, and if they liked their doctor.


2. Request a catalog from your insurance company that will have a list of all of the doctors in your area.

Go through the catalog and see what OB/GYNs are near you. Distance is important because you’ll want a short drive to get to your doctor’s office when you are in labor.


3. Create a list of questions you want to ask a potential doctor.

Some topics you should consider asking about include policies on epidurals and caesarian sections and monitoring of the baby with a fetal heart monitor.


4. Investigate the hospital with which the OB/GYN is affiliated.

While you may like the doctor, you might not like the hospital. This could factor into your decision on whether this is the OB/GYN you want to use.


5. Interview and choose your OB/GYN.

The best way to set up an interview is to call the doctor’s office and explain to the receptionist what you’re trying to do. Try to schedule a meeting with the doctor at her earliest convenience.


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