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How to Create a Fun and Rewarding Work Environment

Many people associate their workplaces with feelings of negativity and pressure. This is not necessarily the fault of the individuals who feel this way, however. In fact, it could very well be that the work environment itself is not fun or rewarding.

To address these concerns, upper-level employees, managers and company leaders should place a greater emphasis on creating suitable work environments that stimulate employee interest and growth.


5 Steps to Create a Fun and Rewarding Work Environment

Rewarding Work Environment


1. Create an atmosphere of constant learning.

Encourage employees to continually improve themselves and their skills. Move the emphasis of workers’ actions away from being “correct” to being “good.” In other words, when employees are working on a project, allow them more say in how they work.

They should be allowed to break with standard protocol, for example, as long as it helps them or their team to improve.


2. Encourage humbleness among leaders and managers.

Make employees in high positions aware that seeking perfection from, placing strong demands on and drawing comparisons with employees puts unnecessary pressure on their subordinates.

This, in turn, can contribute to making the overall work environment less enjoyable. By weakening the perceived hierarchy in an organization, you are giving employees a sense of freedom and the ability to grow.


3. Emphasize the fact that employees are human beings.

Many managers and leaders make efficiency and productivity their top priorities, turning their companies into pseudo-machines. Employees that are treated as cogs in the machine will not feel that their jobs are rewarding or fun.

It is important, therefore, to allow employees to appreciate those moments in the workplace in which they can actualize themselves, form relationships with their colleagues and recall their duties to improve themselves, their coworkers and the company as a whole. Talk to your employees face-to-face, encourage employee relationships and give recognition to employees that have improved themselves or others.


4. Personalize workplace criticism.

When an employee is performing poorly, for example, avoid simply reprimanding her. Employees typically do not find criticism and lectures enjoyable nor particularly rewarding. Instead, try sitting down with the poorly performing employee in order to give your suggestions in a manner that shows concern for the individual.

Talk the employee through a process that will allow her to improve herself and admit and correct mistakes. If you are able to do this successfully, the employee will not only know how to improve herself but will also feel that her work environment is supportive.


5. Associate the workplace with good health.

Do not force employees to come to the office when they are sick. Health problems are not merely company problems; they are people problems as well.

By allowing employees adequate sick leave, you will show them that the workplace is somewhere to be when they are healthy. Associate the office with well-being and let employees know that good health is a prerequisite for coming into work.


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