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How to Find Out If a House Was Condemned

If you’re buying property that you would like to renovate and rent out to future tenants, or you’re a tenant and suspicious that your landlord may be violating condemnation laws, you can easily find out the current condemnation status.

However, finding out whether a house has been condemned in the past is a little trickier.


5 Steps to Find Out If a House Was Condemned

House Was Condemned


1. Browse through the bank- and government-owned property listings and choose the “condemned” category.

There are dozens of websites that offer information on government-seized and bank-owned properties, including those that were condemned prior to the confiscation.


2. Visit the courthouse in the county of the property you are inquiring about and search property records.

The county keeps documentation of all property sales as well as information regarding the stability and state of the property.


3. Browse through the property spec sheets provided by the real estate agent.

These sheets will contain the property history, including inspections, ownership and condemnation information.


4. Search newspaper reels and documents for property condemnation information.

When a house is condemned due to safety violations and hazards, the general public is made aware, and you may be able to find the information you seek in the classified ads of old newspapers.


5. Have the property inspected.

If all else fails, and you don’t want to move forward with the purchase of a possibly condemned property, schedule an inspection and get the facts from a professional.


Tips & Warnings
Some outdated homes are condemned due to not meeting federal housing requirements and may only need minor contracting to restore them.


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