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How to Get State Labor Law Posters

The Department of Labor (DOL) requires that businesses with employees have state labor law posters in plain view of all employees. Usually, the best place to put up these state labor law posters is in an employee break room or somewhere where all employees will be able to see it on a daily basis.

There are several different kinds of state labor law posters that need to be posted in the place of business. Learn how to get the proper state labor law posters.


Ways to Get State Labor Law Posters

Labor Law Posters


Call the Department of Labor to get your state’s labor law posters. You can call them at 1-888-9-SBREFA.

Figure out which posters you need to hang up in your business according to the state you live in. You can find out by asking when you call the Department of Labor.

Email your information. Tell the Department of Labor what you need. This will speed up the process. Tell them you need the proper labor law posters for your state. Provide your business information, mailing address, payment, and other contact information.

Buy your state’s labor law posters. Follow the Department of Labor’s instructions on how to buy state labor law posters. Once you get them hang them up properly where all employees can see them on a daily basis.


Tips & Warnings

Always hang up posters where employees will see them every day.


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