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How to Identify & Describe the Three Primary Forms of Conflict

You may have to deal with conflict in a variety of circumstances in the family, at work or in a religious or cultural or ethical sense. Knowing three primary sources of conflict and how you can identify them may help you address problems or issues before things get out of control.


9 Steps to Identify & Describe the Three Primary Forms of Conflict

How to Identify & Describe the Three Primary Forms of Conflict

1. Monitor workplace conflict, one of several primary conflict triggers, by staying tuned in to your managers and employees.

Pay attention to arguments or disagreements between employees and managers.


2. Regularly assess the perceptions and needs of your employees, family members or friends in order to determine their level of contentment.


3. Observe and note poor attitudes, lack of ability to work as a team, and cultural or religious differences and beliefs.

These can be a source of conflict in the workplace.


4. Resolve conflicting goals, another primary source of conflict in both family and workplace environments.

Watch for common signs of dissatisfaction that may include frustration, anger, resentment and difficulty communicating your needs or desires.


5. State goals in relationships and in career planning clearly.

Ignoring a partner or refusing to discuss issues, “bad-mouthing” and deliberately sabotaging or hampering the efforts of one over another can be serious signs of conflict.


6. Resolve interpersonal conflict conflicts by identifying and addressing the causes.

You can identify such personal conflict by examining the attitudes, behaviors and actions of two or more people involved in a conflict.


7. Watch for common signs of conflict in personal relationships, including resentment and hostility, a growing decrease in willingness to communicate.


8. Identify anger, denial and avoidance, also major factors in conflict between spouses, parents and children and friendships.

In this type of relationship, make some attempt to resolve the conflict by trying to influence or direct the other party into seeing one person’s point of view over the other.


9. Listen to the opinions, beliefs and ideas of others.

Often, workplace, interpersonal and ethical conflict may arise from a single mitigating factor. Good leadership, ability to attune yourself to the thoughts and needs and goals of others can help reduce or eliminate primary causes of conflict.


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