that deer is ours!

How to Tell the Date of Conception

Although it is common to hear the phrase “date of conception,” in actuality it is very difficult to determine the exact date a baby was conceived. According to the American Pregnancy Association, unless the mother-to-be has undergone a procedure such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, most women do not know the exact date of conception. Instead of an exact date, a woman can determine a range of dates in which her baby was conceived.


Things You’ll Need

  • Calendar that includes the conception month
  • Highlighter


4 Steps to Tell the Date of Conception

Date of Conception

1. Determine the start date of your last period.

Recalling the first day of your last menstrual cycle is integral to determining the range of dates in which your baby was conceived.


2. Locate this date on the calendar.

Beginning on the following day, count off 11 days. Highlight day 11 on your calendar.


3. Return to the first day of your menstrual cycle on the calendar.

Beginning on the following day, count off 21 days. Highlight day 21 on your calendar.


4. Highlight the days between day 11 and day 21 on your calendar.

All the highlighted days represent the range of dates in which your baby was likely conceived.


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