Lhasa Apso Breed Information
Originating from Tibet, the Lhasa Apso was originally called the Abso Seng Key, translating to “Bark Lion Sentinel Dog”.
Although small, this particular breed is hardy with a keen personality. The Lhasa Apso is also extremely intelligent, has a sharp sense of hearing, and an amazing natural instinct for separating strangers from known people. The Lhasa Apso was first categorized in the Terrier group for the American Kennel Club but then moved in 1959 to non-sporting.
Lhasa Apso Temperament
This breed of dog has a wonderful personality, beautiful coloring, and long, flowing hair. Unfortunately, the Lhasa Apso is often misunderstood, which leads to inappropriate care and handling. While hardy and determined, the Lhasa Apso also has a gentle nature. Therefore, should be trained using only positive reinforcement.
One of the most important factors of owning a Lhasa Apso is early socialization, which will result in a confident and happy pet. However, buying from a reputable breeder and working with your puppy while young will go a long way in his overall development. The bottom line is that the Lhasa Apso is a pleasant dog and great companion, one that also serves as an excellent watchdog.
Lhasa Apso Size and Color
The size of the Lhasa Apso can vary slightly but most are about 10 to 11 inches at the withers. For weight, most will range between 16 and 18 pounds with the males being the heavier of the two genders. If provided a proper diet, love, and care, this breed will live to around age 13 to 15.
The coat of the Lhasa Apso is actually quite heavy. The hair is also straight, dense, and very long. For colors, the American Kennel Club accepts any color although white with black, brown, or tan markings are most common. Now, some dogs will be a solid color, which is again recognized and acceptable for breeding and show.
Lhasa Apso Feeding and Grooming Requirements
Due to the long, dense hair of the Lhasa Apso, it is vital that you provide daily brushing and proper grooming. To help you with your new dog, we wanted to provide specific information to grooming, which is an important part of owning the Lhasa Apso. For starters, we suggest you help your puppy by getting him accustomed to lying on his back and side. This way, the grooming process will be easier.
Then, your dog will need a bath weekly or bi-weekly. Even if the Lhasa Apso would need to be an indoor dog, the hair must be cleaned regularly. For brush, this is something that needs to be done daily. Addition to the at-home grooming, the Lhasa Apso will need to see a professional groom about every six weeks.
The most important thing with the hair of this breed is to brush so you remove any matting. Then, when you do bathe this breed, make sure you use only shampoo and conditioner formulated for dogs, which has the proper pH for the skin, along with a detangling agent. Finally, the Lhasa Apso should have its ears cleaned every other day with a dry cotton ball. The reason is that with long ears, moisture can develop, causing potential problems.
Lhasa Apso Exercise Needs
The Lhasa Apso is an energetic dog. Keep in mind that while this breed could make a great apartment dweller, he will need some exercise. The good thing is that the Lhasa Apso would do fine with a short daily or bi-daily walk. Of course, even as an adult, this breed needs plenty of playtime to help burn off energy, while keeping the dog’s temperament happy.
Because exercise needs are limited, the Lhasa Apso makes a wonderful companion pet for the elderly, the career person, or individuals in an apartment or without a yard.
Read More About Lhasa Apso
- Lhasa Apso : 10 Most Common Questions
- Lhasa Apso Training Guide
- Lhasa Apso Health Guide
- Owning a Lhasa Apso : Breeder Recommendations