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Maltese Training Guide

The Maltese, a small dog with energy that seems limitless, can be a wonderful pet and may prove to be one of the easier dogs to train. For those who live in an apartment or small home and have limited yard space, the Maltese might be just the right companion.

Since this breed is active indoors, it does well with an occasional walk. From the beginning, you may want to consider paper-training your Maltese because they do not do well in extreme weather conditions, hot or cold.


How to Train Maltese Dog

This breed can be sensitive to the cold and may get the chills easily. Additionally, the Maltese can sunburn on the exposed skin on the back, where the long coat parts. Paper training can be the answer to this, because it may eliminate the need to take your dog outside during bad weather.

As with any new dog that is added to the family picture, you may wonder at times if getting a puppy was a good idea. However, if you have patience with this active little dog, you should find that the attention and fun it provides in return would be worth the effort. Buy a good leash and collar for those times when you need to take your dog outside, or when you both just want to enjoy the good weather.

Crate training may be a good idea as well, for several reasons. For instance, a crate provides your pet with a safe haven where it can go to during times when needing to be alone. In addition, your pet will naturally want to keep its “den” clean, making housebreaking or paper-training a lot easier.

Some owners also report that if their pet has a space and toys that are definitely its own, the amount of destructive chewing on “off limits” items is reduced.


Maltese Training Guide


One thing to keep in mind as you train the Maltese is that you should not be overly protective or pamper it, regardless of its size and appearance. This small dog does not have a lot of natural fear, having a natural protection of you and your family members. Working with the Maltese on some basic obedience items is a good idea.

The best place to start in this area is with a good breeder who has given some effort to socialization of the puppies. This solid start in making the young dog comfortable around people and other dogs is a key in having a good relationship with your Maltese.

This highly intelligent breed would be happy to learn a few tricks if you make it fun and challenging at the same time. However, remember to reward your pet because it will be eager to please and expect you to show that you are happy with the results. In fact, small biscuits and good quality treats can serve a double purpose, as rewards and in helping to keep the teeth clean.

If you are thinking about showing your Maltese, be sure to talk to your breeder and get some names of people who are experienced in this area. Some experts report that the Maltese can be a challenge for the first-time show person because of the need to prepare the long, silky coat. We recommend reading all you can about this area of “training” and you should definitely talk to people with experience in showing the Maltese because they can help you recognize the physical traits such as teeth and body shape that can make a lot of difference in the show ring.


Read More About Maltese


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