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Morale Boosting Ideas

When employee morale has hit a critical low, the feeling in the office can be heavy. You may notice more absences and slipping performances. Employees who feel overextended and underappreciated need to be reassured that their contributions are appreciated, and that your workplace is the best use of their professional skills.

Boosting their confidence and morale does not require a large budget, but thoughtful gestures to demonstrate the company’s commitment to its team.

Morale Boosting Ideas


Training and Development Opportunities

Provide employees with opportunities to grow as professionals within their field by offering discounted or complimentary courses at area universities or business development centers. This demonstrates your company’s investment in their long-term education and growth potential, which in turn can lend a healthy dose of positive energy into a lackluster office atmosphere. If classes are not an option, consider guest speakers or coaching sessions.


Open Communication

One surefire way to kill office morale is by fostering an environment in which employees feel cut out of important company discussions or that their opinions don’t matter.

Prevent toxic negativity from interfering with your staffs’ performances by encouraging group discussions through regular staff meetings and by establishing a structured “open-door” policy where employees can freely voice their concerns without fear of repercussion. While communication is important, be prepared to address issues as they arise to maintain morale.


Show Appreciation

Recognizing a staff member’s recent job performance is one way to show appreciation, but there are other ways to instill inspiration and boost moral. Demonstrate that you value your employees’ personal time by being sensitive to their schedules and not mandating attendance at after-work functions that may interfere with their family time.

Also consider making common areas brighter and more inviting by implementing better lighting and meaningful touches, such as better seating or improved decor.


Create a Humane Working Environment

Treat staff members as you would your own family by creating an environment that puts their health and well-being before office tasks. For instance, allowing an ill employee to leave early demonstrates your ability to put work aside with consideration towards a team member’s wellness.

Mandating lunch and mid-afternoon breaks also humanizes an office atmosphere, which speaks volumes about a company’s ethos. Overtime can also be avoided with careful planning and a more streamlined work delegation.


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