that deer is ours!

Rottweiler Training Guide

A Rottweiler is a large dog with a strong head and huge heart. Due to sheer physical strength, it is imperative that your Rottweiler dog be trained.

With proper training, your dog will make an excellent family pet, be great around other animals, and serve as a watchdog without being aggressive. Keep in mind that although the Rottweiler is assertive by nature, with proper training you can easily control any negative traits.


How to Train Rottweiler

One of the most important aspects of training a Rottweiler is socialization, which is broken down into three parts. With socialization, your dog will become accustomed to not just people but also other dogs, cats, and other animals. First is puppy socialization, which has the biggest effect on the dog.

With this, the socialization process should begin with the breeder and then continued by you until the dog reaches six months of age. Puppy socialization involves playing with the puppy, handling the puppy, introducing the puppy to people, animals, and situations, and so on.

The second step of socialization occurs between six months and three years of age when the dog is an adolescent. During this time, your Rottweiler will go through an awkward phase, both physically and emotionally.

You will need to work with your dog daily, taking him to the park, for walks around the neighborhood, and showing him that the outside world is not a scary place. The third part of socialization is when the Rottweiler is an adult, helping him control his assertive or fearful nature.

It is important when training your Rottweiler dog that he understands you are in charge. That does not mean you have to be rough or harsh but firm. By establishing yourself as the leader, he will automatically take the role as follower, which means unwanted behaviors can be controlled.

Sometimes, you will notice the Rottweiler taking on a rude attitude, which is more about him trying to take the lead. Again, putting yourself in that role will take care of the problem.


Rottweiler Training Guide


Once your Rottweiler knows that he is the follower and that your have the position of leader, he will actually feel calmer and more at ease. With this, the Rottweiler will find it easy to relax and simply enjoy being with his master. To create this relationship, you need to be firm but also provide positive reinforcement during training phases in the form of treats and praise.

Instead, you want to avoid negative reinforcement, which would only agitate the dog, making him feel stressed. As you can imagine, this would make training difficult. You do not have to overpower the dog but use proven training techniques so he understands his place.

A well-trained Rottweiler makes an exceptional pet. Even with bad press about this particular breed, all you need is a good puppy, good socialization, and good training and you have a fantastic addition to the family.


Read More About Rottweiler


1 Comment
  1. Anil says

    I need to have a book about Rotthwiller traning

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