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How to Be Less Cynical

A cynic is someone who deep down enjoys being depressed and not hiding that fact from anyone. They feel negative about themselves and feel almost compelled to make others feel negative about their own lives. However, it's not impossible for…

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a cognitive-behavioral interviewing technique that mental health professionals utilize when working with substance abusers. It was first written about by Miller in 1983 and later developed by Miller and…

How to Motivate the Elderly

Approximately 20% of the elderly population living in retirement communities experience depression, with the number of depressed women double the number of depressed men. The combination of age-related illness, disabilities that preclude…

How to Think Clearly

Mental clarity is important, whether you need to make an important decision, be more spontaneous, argue a point more effectively, or just communicate something to a friend, spouse, romantic partner or family member. The complex and…

How to Handle Failure

Failure can make you feel awful. But it is an inevitable part of life; everyone fails sometimes. By communicating about the failure to those around you, boosting self-worth, seeing it as a learning experience and replacing negative…

How to Be Disciplined

People who are disciplined have clearly defined goals, a plan to monitor behavior and an accepting attitude toward setbacks. Whether you are looking to lose weight, attain financial security or graduate from college, discipline is a…